Louis Vuitton

After much contemplation, and a dinner that sealed the deal, I decided to buy my first Louis Vuitton purse- and I did!! 

At first I was quite heart broken that purses I REALLY wanted were now unavailable. However, the lovely LV concierge I spoke to over the phone assured me they are still being stocked. Whew! They just don't know when. Doh! *insert Homer*

But could I really wait that long? For an indefinite period of time??..., idenfinitely?!? DEFINITELY NOT! lol. I jumped online and started looking for the next best LV bag to catch my eye. I thought I found it in the classic and timeless LV oxford shoulder bag. It looked perfect to me in that moment, so I bought it!

It was shipped today- just days before my birthday!! I opened the box gingerly and gazed upon the perfection of this bag (with scrutiny) and it's beauty with the golden LV on the front and the turn lock key closure. I must say that, as someone who has 3 coach purses of various price ranges, there was a definite difference in the feel of this bag compared to those. So this is what thousands of dollars feels like. In a word: luxurious.

Having said that, I've been to the LV online store A LOT since I ordered the oxford and I've seen some other eye catching pieces. I've decided to go into the actual boutique on Monday (my birthday!) and look at all their purses before deciding to make an exchange. Or will I stay true to my first LVove? Stay tuned.. 


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