From luxury bags to low budget bags, investment bags to splurge bags, preloved bags to hidden gem bags, fun bags, best value for money bags. And other luxurious things!
Celebs have their purse dogs- I have luxury cats!
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Below, we have Feona modeling her finest chanel kitty woredrobe!
And then there's Jackson, looking sharp in his new threads :)
Until recently, I thought $150.00 for perfume was a lot to invest in something you couldn't see lol. I also have learned that not only is this false, but some fragrances are less potent with virtually no staying power. Working in Healthcare, I gravitated to this. While I have some perfumes which are 10-15% concentrated, some of my favorite fragrances are an eau de toilette. At the time I bought them I was ignorant to the difference in potency, which dictates the price. Having said that I came across some highly acclaimed fragrances in the hundreds of dollars ($600-$800). There were some that were simply astronomical and not on my lifetime wishlist. However, the fragrances under the $1000.00 limit were fair game. My ultimate fragrance to smell and to own is the Baccarat Rouge 540 (EXTRAIT DE PARFUM). A 70ml bottle sells for $645.00 CAD. Keep in mind it's an extract. The highest concentration and most staying power. The only other concentrated fragrance I know that stays that lon...
When my business started showing progress, I thought about how nice it would be to own a luxury handbag. Not so much for the bag itself but what it represented to me- a reflection of my achievements. I started looking at the big names first (Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Chanel, Dior). I was aghast to discover that Louis Vuitton was the more affordable luxury brand among these other giants! Suddenly my newly purchased Coach cross body that I bought on sale for $149.00 didn't seem like the splurge I thought it was. Never-the-less, I decided that I would treat all my purses/handbags with equal love and care because they were beautiful. Even though they didn't all cost more than $50.00- that $50.00 was hard earned! Over Christmas, I bought 5 different bags, in all different price ranges from $50.00 to $3000.00. Two were "luxury". I hesitated to tell anyone I knew what I paid for the two luxury purses. It felt funny to try and hide the fact that I had a luxury brand purse when ...
I've had my brand new Louis Vuitton shoulder bag for 2 days now, still safely tucked away in the box and the dustbag. It only comes out to play when I feel like looking at it, touching the smooth soft exterior and interior, attaching the different straps and styling it in different ways. I'm really starting to feel in LVove with it. When I looked at the knock offs, I didn't see my purse among the many available. It's not flashy or even among the more popular models. I must say, it's an understated beauty. If you're going to invest that much money on a purse at least once in a lifetime, then consider the LV oxford. It's a classic style that is, at the same time, very versatile. It can be worn in MANY different ways! Its not too small or too big. It's subtle yet chic. With all these options available in one shoulder bag you can wear it any way you like! With jeans and a T-shirt, a tweed skirt with leather trim a leather belt and ciffon blouse with neck ti...
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