From luxury bags to low budget bags, investment bags to splurge bags, preloved bags to hidden gem bags, fun bags, best value for money bags. And other luxurious things!
Celebs have their purse dogs- I have luxury cats!
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Below, we have Feona modeling her finest chanel kitty woredrobe!
And then there's Jackson, looking sharp in his new threads :)
When my business started showing progress, I thought about how nice it would be to own a luxury handbag. Not so much for the bag itself but what it represented to me- a reflection of my achievements. I started looking at the big names first (Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Chanel, Dior). I was aghast to discover that Louis Vuitton was the more affordable luxury brand among these other giants! Suddenly my newly purchased Coach cross body that I bought on sale for $149.00 didn't seem like the splurge I thought it was. Never-the-less, I decided that I would treat all my purses/handbags with equal love and care because they were beautiful. Even though they didn't all cost more than $50.00- that $50.00 was hard earned! Over Christmas, I bought 5 different bags, in all different price ranges from $50.00 to $3000.00. Two were "luxury". I hesitated to tell anyone I knew what I paid for the two luxury purses. It felt funny to try and hide the fact that I had a luxury brand purse when
Ever since I was a little girl I dreamt of fashion and luxury. I imagined myself working in the fashion industry in one way or another, becoming famous for my art and flying away on my private jet to yet another amazing destination. I never lived the same day twice. I would day dream for hours about where I would fit into the tapestry of fashion, art and design. Every Saturday I was glued to the T.V. watching "Fashion File" (with Tim Blanks), Life Styles of the Rich and Famous (with Robin Leach), and Wild On! (with Brooke Burke). It all seems within reach in our younger years, doesn't it? But then I went to college and my parents made me take biology and chemistry, which I was sure NOT to attend as much as possible. However, unfortunately, and fortunately, I ended up on the science track and landed a very promising career in the field of Health Sciences and Rehabilitation Medicine. And the dream became a pipe dream over time until I closed the lid on my white gold, cryst
I'm not a fan of knock offs for many reasons, and I said I wasn't going to talk about them- but! I recently stumbled upon a couple of "stores" on Facebook Market Place and found myself drawn to them for all the wrong reasons. I read the detailed descriptions very carefully and compared all the materials to the real thing, and they matched up! Of course, it's difficult to see what the construction is like from a picture and I did notice some minor differences between some of the fakes and the authentic versions, but overall, I have to say I was impressed. One store guaranteed money back, quality assurance (that made me laugh considering it was a fake lol) and even a certificate of authentication! The thing I don't understand is why a knock off made from the same materials and undergoing the same process of construction (minus a few minor hiccups in production) cost significantly less than an authentic version? I mean, what the hell are we paying for? A slight d
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