I'm beginning to understand why luxury bags are priced the way they are. However, the craftsmanship and materials that go into constructing a luxury bag, as you're all well aware, is not the only thing people pay for. The status and prestige that follows the brand is just as important in determining its market value, if not more so. No wonder there are so many knockoffs out there. I have actually seen knockoffs priced at $3000.00 depending on the brand they're "replicating" (aka, kocking-off). For that price, why not just buy an authentic bag of the same value? I'm not one to tote a knockoff, which is why I won't be exploring them. I prefer the real thing or low budget alternatives instead which replicate while maintaining their own authenticity.
There are some handbags I just gravitate to and when I check the price tag, I understand why I was drawn to them. I've always loved the look and the feel of a brand new bag. If I like how it looks and I feel a vibe from it, I usually end up buying it or spend days pining away for it because it was out of my budget. The two luxury brands I invested in, as mentioned in my previous post, were both Versace. I wanted to see what some of the less famous names in the world of bags had to offer, so I decided to check out Versace. A brand well known for its clothing. It turned out that they were having their semi-annual sale, and I discovered it out of pure luck! Some of the purses were marked down at 70% the original retail price- a huge savings! If you're thinking of investing in a luxury purse, Versace might be a good option if spending more than $600.00 makes your stomach turn.

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