The Paper Bag Princess

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamt of fashion and luxury. I imagined myself working in the fashion industry in one way or another, becoming famous for my art and flying away on my private jet to yet another amazing destination. I never lived the same day twice. 

I would day dream for hours about where I would fit into the tapestry of fashion, art and design. Every Saturday I was glued to the T.V. watching "Fashion File" (with Tim Blanks), Life Styles of the Rich and Famous (with Robin Leach), and Wild On! (with Brooke Burke). It all seems within reach in our younger years, doesn't it?

But then I went to college and my parents made me take biology and chemistry, which I was sure NOT to attend as much as possible. However, unfortunately, and fortunately, I ended up on the science track and landed a very promising career in the field of Health Sciences and Rehabilitation Medicine. And the dream became a pipe dream over time until I closed the lid on my white gold, crystal laden Pandora box.

Well, fast forward a couple decades- and not much has changed! I started a successful private practice, which I'm proud of, but I still have the fiery passion for fashion burning deep inside me. Over the years I toyed with the idea of opening my Pandora's  box, and I even went as far as to design some beautiful dresses and share them with others. I was accepted into a fashion design program at the Art Institute in Toronto, but the fear of starting something new, and the possibility of failing, loomed over me and I decided to stay in my safe zone.  

It wasn't until recently that I, once again, felt a strong need to feed the hunger inside of me for something more, something that would feed my soul. The urge to write, or draw, or design a dress or a shoe or a bag or buy fabric and drape it on a mannequin, was too fervent within me to ignore. The thing about the work I do, is that it has opened doors for me to peak from at the world of luxury. I can't fling open the doors and catwalk into a Louis Vuitton store, but I can open the door gingerly and saunter in. 

With one foot firm in the middle class and one toe dipped in luxury, I bring you: For The Love of Bagz. Here I will explore (mostly) bags of all shapes and sizes, designer bags, luxury bags, bargain bags. If I happen to find some great deals on luxury items, I'll share that too! Here, we can talk about shiny sparkly things, clothes, shoes, bags, other accessories, high-end hotel deals, travel deals, fine dining, etc., but mostly bags! 

And speaking of which, I've put two brand new Versace bags up for sale on Poshmark, Depop, and e-bay. They are priced according to the fees charged by each platform (being different, with Poshmark being the highest for sellers). Find me on Poshmark @rdhanji, or Google Versace purses on e-bay or Depop.


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